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From Author’s Desk: March News and Updates

It’s almost the end of March, and it’s time for the Urban Fantasy Author’s update. In my blog, I am going to give you the status update for the sixth book of The Shadow Enforcer series, as well as answering one of the questions I received from my readers.

What am I currently working on?

I am almost done with the first draft of the sixth book of the Shadow Enforcer series, and it is a little longer than the previous books of the series, which is not surprising considering everything that is going on in the story.

Now I am looking forward to the four rounds of editing.

To be honest, my editing starts as soon as I finish the first chapter of a new novel, and it doesn’t stop until the moment I hit the “Publish” button. I edit as I write the novel, and by the time I finish the first draft, I can easily say that I re-read and tweaked everything I have at least four to five times.

After the first draft is completed, I do the first round of editing myself where I combine all the chapters into a single manuscript and review it one more time before sending it to a professional editor. She reads my manuscripts and returns it back with notes. After I review all her suggestions, I revise the manuscript and do one more editing pass.

Only after that, I send the book to my beta readers. And surprise-surprise… After all the editing, reviews, revising, my awesome beta readers still catch a few errors here and there that somehow slipped through all the previous rounds of editing.

Ask The Author

Question: Do you have any new series planned?

Answer: I don't like to plan too far ahead. You know what they say… If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans. 😉

As I mentioned above, currently, I'm writing the sixth book of the Shadow Enforcer series. Am I planning to complete The Shadow Enforcer Series after the sixth book is published? That remains to be seen. Just a short while ago, I had a discussion with my friend about the Fire Salamander World. There are so many aspects to it, and it's so large that I can write quite a few spin-off series in the same magical universe. Having said that, I do have another series in mind which will be set in the Fire Salamander universe as well, but I'm not going to work on it until I complete The Shadow Enforcer series.

What am I reading?

I love reading. I can't imagine my life without books. However, my crazy work/writing/life schedule doesn't leave much time for reading. Recently, I discovered the delights of Hoopla, so now, every time I am on my daily run or have a few minutes of spare time, I listen to audio books. I just finished listening to Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison, and I love it so much, I had to download the second book of the Hollows series. If you like urban fantasy novels, I definitely recommend it.

What am I watching?

I love historical fiction just as much as I love fantasy, and The Last Kingdom is one of my favorite historical drama series. The fifth season just came out on Netflix on March 9th, and I decided to revisit all previous seasons to refresh the events of the story in my mind before jumping into a new one.


As always, thank you all so much for your continued support.

Happy reading!

N.M. Thorn


N.M. Thorn | Urban Fantasy Author
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