Chernij Voron… Black Voron… otherwise known as a Black Crow…
A bird, you would probably say… What could be so important about such a common bird as a crow? They are a dime a dozen everywhere.
Well, those of you who read The Fire Salamander Chronicles, or the Shadow Enforcer series probably remember Voron—a man of honor despite his place of residence and alliances. He’s a permanent resident of the Dark Nav, the Slavic Underworld, and the right-hand man of Chernobog, the Slavic god of Destruction.
He’s also a somewhat human personification of Chernij Voron.
Black crows and ravens are shrouded in a veil of mystery and secrets. Some believe they are associated with the gods and have the gift of sight.
So, let’s talk about Voron, the Black Grow, and its place in Slavic mythology and lore.
Who is a Black Craw in Slavic lore?
According to Slavic lore, Voron (a craw) is the bird of Chernobog. It is his servant and his friend, and many believe that it was Chernobog who bestowed the gift of sight upon the first Crow. Some stories say that once in a while Chernobog assumes the form of a Black Crow and flies over the world of the living.
Nearly every character in Slavic mythology has a certain amount of duality to them. The Crow is not an exception to this rule.
The Dark Side of a Black Crow

For quite some time, people believed that black crows were a representation of a dark cloud that concealed the sun, considering the bird being an embodiment of all evil, calling it nechist. In Belarus and Ukraine, people used to believe that crows gathered and flew over the house of a dead or dying koldun (dark wizard) to take his soul once it had left the body.
Even today, people say that if crows circle a place, it’s a dark omen, the foreshadowing of upcoming storms, death, disease, or calamities.
How was the Black Crow cursed?
People believed that it was a powerful dark wizard (koldun) who created the crow in the first place. He gave it life in the heart of a dark, stormy night, and that explained the bird’s morbid coloring. And according to one of the oldest Slavic myths, the black crow was cursed from the moment of birth, doomed to be a bearer of bad news and fear.
A Black Crow as a Symbol of Wisdom
In the old days, crows were respected and revered. Believe it or not, there is even a holiday devoted to the black bird, called “Voronoi Den”—The Day of the Crow. It’s celebrated when the world leaves the winter behind, and all birds return to their lands. Usually, this holiday falls on April 14th. People used to prepare treats for prophetic birds, believing that if they made them happy, the summer would come faster, and the harvest would be fruitful.
Here Are a Few Old Beliefs About Meeting a Black Crow
1. Spooked by a sudden scream of a crow? That could mean troubles are coming your way.
2. If you see a crow sitting on the roof of your house, pay attention to its position. If it turned its back on you, expect troubles or illness. If a crow is promenading on your roof and looking down at you— rejoice, something good is coming your way.
3. If you see two crows who play together, feeding each other—that is a good sign.
4. If during a wedding day, two crows fly over the house, it’s great news. Your marriage is going to be happy.
So, there you have it. Maybe Chernij Voron is the righthand man of the god of Destruction, Chernobog, but he is also a man of honor and a loyal friend. Just like the Black Crow, it’s both—the embodiment of evil and the prophet of good days ahead.

Enter the Fire Salamander World, where magic and ancient myths are real, and things are not what they appear to be.
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